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Тренутни пројекти NearUS

Наука и развојПозиви за пријаву пројеката

Иницијатива NearUS ће успоставити мрежу европских центара за истраживање и иновације широм Сједињених Америчких Држава (Network of European Research and Innovation Centres).

Мисија мреже је пружање стандардизованих и прилагођених услуга подршке за интернационализацију истраживања и иновација истраживачима и иноваторима у Европској унији и земљама укљученим у Хоризонт 2020. Сврха је убрзање приступа тржишту САД-а и повећање шансе за успјех.

Погледајте у наставку више детаља о тренутним пројектима NearUS као и релевантне линкове.

NearUS Match & Pitch @ CES, Las Vegas, 7-11 January 2018

Deadline for applications: 12 November 2017

Target audience: Early stage entrepreneurs and innovators looking for partnering and investment opportunities in the US (focusing on the West Coast) for their ICT, IoT & Wireless Industry Focus, and related "Convergence" innovations

Offer:  10 selected innovators will

- receive complimentary CES Exhibits Plus Passes, which provides access to all CES exhibits, Super Sessions, Keynote addresses and select conference sessions, in addition to an invitation to the US Department of Commerce International Reception,

- have the opportunity to present their prototypes and/or V1 to selected potential US partners during CES 2018. They will be matched with partners, buyers, channels and investors during a matchmaking event and introduced to early-stage focused investors during a specially organized NearUS pitch session.

More info: https://near-us.eu/call-applications-nearus-matchpitch-ces

NearUS Silicon Valley Innovation Tour, 15-19 January 2018

Deadline for applications: 12 November 2017

Target audience: Early stage startup founders spun out of universities and research labs or otherwise licensing related technologies; other innovation stakeholders highly interested in exploring the US market as a middle to long term vehicle for commercializing promising EU research, including incubator managers, tech transfer office managers, etc.

Offer: 10 selected participants will

- be introduced to accelerators, renowned US university research gems, and successful US and EU scale-ups and unicorns located in San Francisco Bay, Sacramento and the Silicon Valley,

- receive guidance on visa/immigration/IP/pitch support and be introduced to potential partners including corporations and potential investors,

- meet state and city officials and visit the NearUS West Coast Hub that can provide EU innovators with soft-landing solutions and future guidance on local business trends, practices and programs.

More info:  https://near-us.eu/call-applications-innovation-tour-san-francisco-sacramento-and-silicon-valley

NearUS Research2Market Bootcamp, 4-16 March 2018

Deadline for applications: 5 December 2017

Target audience: Established start-ups from universities or public/private labs and pre-revenue technology companies spun out of universities or public/private labs

Offer: 10 selected participants will benefit from a customised bootcamp that

- starts and ends in Boston, and provides participants with perspectives on their market in other US regions as well. 

- in between is hosted by a Soft Landing site in the US which offers programming/services themed to each selected participant's industry sectors

In preparation for the Boot Camps, a two-day pre-departure workshop will be held in Brussels in early February

More info:  https://near-us.eu/call-applications-research2market-r2m-bootcamp

NearUS Business2Business Bootcamp, 4-16 March 2018

Deadline for applications: 5 December 2017

Target audience: Post-revenue (at least €100,000 p.a) businesses incorporated in Europe that have at least one piece of intellectual property (either internally generated or licensed from another entity) and/or have an inventory of product.

Offer: 10 selected participants will benefit from a customised bootcamp that

- starts and ends in Boston, and provides participants with perspectives on their market in other US regions as well.

- in between is hosted by a Soft Landing site in the US which offers programming/services themed to each selected participant's industry sectorsIn preparation for the Boot Camps, a two-day pre-departure workshop will be held in Brussels in early February

More info:  https://near-us.eu/call-applications-business2business-b2b-bootcamp

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