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An Award for the Professors and Researchers of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Science and developmentUniversity of Banja LukaGeneral-

A group of professors and researchers from the Department of Manufacturing and Computer-Supported Technologies of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Banja Luka, together with colleagues from Ljubljana and Novi Sad, received a prestigious award within the project "Excellence in Science".

This commendation was awarded by the Slovenian Research Agency as part of the aforementioned project in the area of manufacturing technologies and systems.

The team of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering that received this commendation consists of: Saša Tešić, MA, Prof. Đorđe Čiča, PhD, Prof. Stevo Borojević, PhD, and Prof. Branislav Sredanović.

The commendation itself refers to research presented in a scientific paper, published in the International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing - Green Technology, included in the SCI list with an impact factor of 5.5.


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