There are currently about 18 000 students at the University of Banja Luka, which is 40% of the total number of students in Republic of Srpska.
In the last five years, the average number of students that have been enrolling is about 3 300, and more than 2 000 students have been finishing the studies.
Until now, at the University of Banja Luka more than 237.932 students have graduated, 2.027 candidates got a master’s degree, while almost 500 Ph.D. title holders defended their doctoral thesis.
Our students acquire their knowledge at 16 Faculties that are located in two campuses settled not far from the Vrbas river bank, near the city center.
Besides the necessary classroom space of 16 000 m2, area that is equipped with video beams and computers for digital course content screening, in order to acquire knowledge students can use reading-rooms and libraries with a 190 000 book fund, l10 000 m2 area of laboratories, and 20 computer rooms with the all-day internet access.
When it comes to the accommodation, students on their disposition have three pavilions of the Student Center “Nikola Tesla” that are located in two campuses, and soon there will be the fourth one functioning. There are also several sport courts and student clubs located at the same area.
At the all organizational units/Faculties there are active student associations as the representative bodies which present and support the interests of the students of their faculties. Besides the students associations, at the university level there is a Student Parliament which consists of three elected representatives from each Faculty/Academy or colleges that are the members or associate members of the University.