Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe
Horizon Europe programme is a new program of the European Union for research and innovation after Horizon 2020. The programme covers the period from 2021 to 2027 and has a total indicative budget of EUR 95.5 billion. During this period, the European Commission will finance scientific-research, innovative and capacity-building projects in all scientific disciplines and areas with a special focus on interdisciplinarity and taking into account the so-called horizontal priorities such as open science, gender equality and inclusion, through the foreseen work programs and calls for projects. social sciences and humanities. The ultimate goal of the program is to contribute to solving the problem of climate change, achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (UN's Sustainable Development Goals) and improving the competitiveness and growth of the European Union.
Horizon Europe rests on three basic pillars:
1. Excellent Science: supports researchers through the European Research Council and Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions, and the development and use of Research Infrastructures.
2. Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness: Directly supports research projects related to social challenges (through specially designed thematic clusters), and establishes "missions" at the EU level (such as the fight against cancer or the ocean without plastic etc.).
3. Innovative Europe: The goal is to make Europe a leader in innovations that create markets. The European Innovation Council will be a single point of reference for high-potential technologies and innovative companies with the potential to advance technologies and innovations.
Horizon Europe includes six thematic clusters within which calls are published for projects that seek to solve the problems of European societies:
• Health,
• Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society,
• Civil Security for Society,
• Digital, Industry and Space,
• Climate, Energy and Mobility,
• Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture & Environment.
In addition to the mentioned thematic clusters and pillars on which the Horizon Europe programme rests, it also contains a special focus on widening participation and strengthening of the European Research Area. The aim is to reduce the existing gap in research and innovation for the target countries (the 13 "new EU members" and associated countries). The way in which the reduction of the gap is to be achieved is through:
• Providing support for building and structuring scientific excellence in the target countries
• Providing support for participation in the Horizon Europe programme
• Providing support for building and maintaining collaborative relationships with EU partners.
One of the conditions of the Horizon Europe programme from 2022 is that all public institutions that want to participate in the programme will have to have developed Action Plans for gender equality. Finally, all projects implemented within the Horizon Europe programme will have to respect the principles of open science and must publish research results in an open access format (where possible, while respecting restrictions when it comes to patents, for example).
Bosnia and Herzegovina became fully associated member to Horizon Europe in January 2021.
A useful book about the Horizon Europe programme is available in Serbian:
Drljača, D. (2021). Program Horizont Evropa 2021-2027: naredna generacija istraživanja i inovacija. (Horizon Europe Programme 2021-2027: the Next Generation of Research and Innovation). University Clinical Center of the Republic of Srpska.
The goal of the author of the book, Dalibor Drljača, is to primarily bring the content and structure of the program, as well as the steps for applying to the academic community in Republika Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina, to inspire researchers to participate in the Horizon Europe programme.
Participation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Horizon 2020 programme:
Participation of the University of Banja Luka in the FP7 and Horizon 2020 programmes:
Participation of UNIBL in relation to other universities in the wider region:
List of UNIBL projects in H2020:
Details of UNIBL participation in H2020:
"Lear person" at the University of Banja Luka is Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Ostojić.