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Meeting of the Awards Committee Held

University of Banja LukaGeneral

The Banja Luka University Awards Committee held a meeting on 22 October 2019, at which proposals for awards and recognitions were considered.

Hence, the Committee considered the proposals submitted for the assigning of University of Banja Luka Charter Award, University of Banja Luka Plaque, Golden Badge with the portrait of Nikola Tesla and cash awards for scientific papers published and participations in the international scientific research projects of the registered professors and assistants.

The Committee will submit its opinion to the Senate and the Steering Board of the University of Banja Luka. 

The Committee is composed of Professor Goran Latinovic, PhD (Chairman), Professor Zdravko Milovanovic, PhD, Professor Zoran Vujkovic, PhD, Professor Srdjan Dusanic, PhD, and student Stefan Kremenovic.  


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