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Fifth International Scientific Conference REDETE 2016


The Faculty of Economics of the University of Banja Luka, in cooperation with the Faculty of Economics of the University of Belgrade, organized the fifth International Scientific Conference from 28 to 30 October 2016, recognized by the shortened name REDETE (Researching Economic Development and Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies).

The conference was held at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Belgrade.

The central theme of the event is defined in the form of a question: whether  free trade is acceptable for countries in transition and developing countries. Researchers from 20 countries through several parallel sessions offered their answers to the question, through their papers and presentations. 

Conference REDETE is one of the most important international scientific economic conference in this part of Europe, and it is recognized by the fact that every year gathers the most eminent scientists and researchers who are interested in economic development and entrepreneurship in transition economies, as well as the Conference provides scientific founded solutions to real problems in the field.

More information about the conference REDETE 2016 you can find on the website


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